With Synergy Merchant Solutions contracts are now obsolete. No One likes to be tied down to lengthy contracts and we feel that keeping you happy with your service will be the key to maintaining a long relationship. Because we are so confident in our company to keep you happy there is no need for contracts.

Before you choose a merchant provider, please do your due diligence when signing up with competitors. Many businesses focus on only the major things and leave out the small things. These small things can easily become major things.

The big issue in the industry is that we all rely on agents out in the field to sign up merchants. Unfortunately, these agents have been recruited with minimal due diligence by the merchant service provider and they have never met them in person…ever! It is not always the companies that are in the wrong, most of the time it’s the agent. These agents sign up merchants, and then send in the applications for approval. Providers only have the application to go by, so if they don’t select the option to waive the contract, it then falls in to the “he said, she said” conflict.

So, it is very important that you safeguard your business from contracts or termination fees. Make sure they put in writing on the application “NO CONTRACT” or you can be dinged for a healthy termination fee when you want to cancel. Some companies even hit you with a fee if you go out of business, so read the “fine print”.

However, if you are looking to be protected from the “he said, she said” conflict, then choose Synergy Merchant Solutions where contracts are non-existent.

*In the case of true transperency, while we happily do not have contracts or termination fees, we do charge for the free equipment if you don’t return it. Our policy requires that you process with Synergy for the period of 3 years, then the equipment is yours.